"Goodbye my last memories,
I hope tommorow better than today" -unknown
"So I thank you thank you thank you, And I love
you love you love you:') " -2PM

Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

It's not over

Sorry for what I've done to you, Can you forgive me?
For you it's over, but for me It's not over ):
I still love you, but you?
All our memories, happiness and loneliness
Tears, smiles, Cry, laugh
Please come back )': I miss you alot
As I've said It's not over, For me "past is past"
If you're disappointed, sorry
I've cried for you, I've laughed for you, I've changed just for you
Now I'm alone because of you, Now I'm alone without you
If I die today, What will you do?
Come after? Or just pretend not affected
I love you after you love me
I wish I'm a grass, So I can cut my self
You're important to me, I don't know If I'll be okay
You traded everything just for me, I never realized that
I love you, I hate you
My only wish for now, To be with YOU
This summer had been, my worst nightmare
With this life of mine, everything had a change
You removed my worries
Now I throwed my dreams
Since I've done this, I'm lonely for a year
My sunshine becomes my night
Plenty lies
You're not here, I'm alone waiting for you to come back
I know, you can tell I love you
I know, you can feel it too
But please, dont leave me ):
Here, because you know I love you :')

Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

hari paling gila!

gila deh GILAAAA
tanpa berita apapun, masa sekarang gue dan yg lain ganti kelas?
gue kelas dia atas, samping kelas si bangsat eta .
kan gue udh takut aja nih ya, pas dilorong 9a, b, c, gue berlindung tuh dibelakang rere, takut ada bom (?) bukan bukan, bukan bom tapi si blangsat eta taah . kan si rere cerita 'tadi tuh ada si ka ****** (cenuuut), masa senyum senyum ke gue?' kan gue ketawa yah disitu . terus ditimpal sama sirere 'mending giginya rata, ini?' makin ketawa ajaa. untung gue buang muka . fiyuuuh~
terus cerita lagi sirere 'tadi si icin liat ka g, tapi gue engga. kayanya itu anak ngumpet di belakang si ka tadi.' haha intinya sama sama ngumpet toh gue sama ka g -___-
pokonya banyak ngomongin gitu gini gitu gini deh gara2 pindahan kelas eta, tambah ngamuk ajee kaka kelas -_- yaah pasrah ajalah, mudah2an ga ada apa apa disana, amiin :')
wish me luck buat besok .

It's still love( eng sub.)

When I see love I walk by it
When I know its love  I make an excuse
When I hear love I ignore it
To cover my cries, I lough loudy

Love, is my love that bad?
Love bring happiness, but here I am crying
Why me, why am hurting so much?
Id give everything away if this love was permitted

When love hurts me, I continue to live
Wiping my tears doesnt ease the pain

Love, is my love that bad?
Love bring happiness, but here I am crying
Why me, why am hurting so much?
Id give everything away if this love was permitted

Precious things always seem to leave
So I've kept my feeling hidden
Your aura is so attracting
That causes the drunkenness from your love to get worse
I live for this painful love

Senin, 21 Februari 2011


yah sesuai judul, heyooo~ buat semua :3
kangen ih udah lama ga ngeblog lagi, tapi gue mikir nih, ngapa gue ngeblog yah?
mau curhat? curhat apa? tentang si brengsek (ups) itu udah gausah dibahas, CEWEKNYA SEGUDANG .
yah ala kadar aja deh gue cerita, cerita tentang gue di tempat service tosiba dan di ambasador .
pertama dan yang paling utama *-,- , gue cerita ttg. di tosiba.
kan gini, gue cerita tuh keluhan tentang laptop gue yang akhir akhir ini gabisa buka menu dan teman2nya menu ituu~ #maksudloh? nah, pas dinyalain disana, kaga ngehang sama sekali . udah keringet dingin aja gue, dalam hati "mampus deh gue ." gilaaaa itu mah . kurang ajar tau si laptop, mau mainin gue apa malu2in gue sih? pokoknya dendam deh gue sama itu laptop . kalo ada nih sekarang, gue tabok itu laptop. *lukiramanusia apa shaf?
yah udaah, kan setelah dendam dendam gituu, bonyok ngajak keliling jakarta. biasa anak bogor, parnonya minta ampun gue -,- mintanya guekan ke Senci, GI, atau apalah . nyokap ngusulin ke ambasador, berangkatlah kitee~
sampe disana, permintaan gue bejibuun, minta sepatu, jaket, baju dan semacamnya. gue liat ada cashing hape, gue mau. ada headphone, gue mauu . ahhh, andai gue kaya~ *tapi gamau kaya gayus :b
yah pulang pulang gue bawa roti boy, tas, sama baju deh . yihuuui~ itu yang gue senengin :)
segini aja deh, paling gue mau post yang gajelas gajelas .
bubyeeeeeaah~ :* salam manis dari shafa muaah :b